On Jo, 10 feb 11, 13:56:07, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
> Hello:
> On my up-to-date testing system (288 updates a couple of days ago,
> right after the new stable went live!!), an SD drive, which previously
> has mounted automatically on insertion, generates the error in my
> subject line.  I Googled the error, and found that this is not the
> first time people have experienced the problem, but found no reliable
> solution.  I was able to run blkid to identify the device and then
> mount it as root to get at the mp3 file on it, so I was able to
> complete the work I needed to do.  But is there a reliable fix someone
> could point me to?

I'm holding back consolekit at 0.4.1-4 (now stable) for quite a while 
because of this. I think it's #597937. 

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