Dne, 01. 04. 2011 12:40:19 je Frank Church napisal(a):

Are you sure?

Because the crucial.com memory check indicates 4Gb max as it has 2 DIMM
slots, as they don't seem to do 4Gb non ECC DIMMS, unless it is a new

Check again

Well, by zooming into the pictures at http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131672 I could clearly see there are 4 DIMM slots ... Also, under the pictures it isclearly stated that there are 4 DIMM slots.

On the other hand, the devil being in the details, the difference may have something to do with the trailing "LE". The model I'm talking about is M4A78LT-M, while your link points to a M4A78LT-M LE. Vendors are well known for doing that -- making various variants of a product in order to cut costs (but mainly just to confuse the buyer).

Also, please don't cc me, I'm subscribed to the list. I'm getting all your messages twice ;)


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