On Vi, 13 mai 11, 17:10:18, Paul E Condon wrote:
> I tried to use reportbug to report a bug (wishlist) in approx.  I
> didn't succeed because first i got a segmentation fault and on second
> try i got floating point exception.  My computer is running Squeeze
> i386 and so far as I know the installation is totally unexceptional
> result of using businesscard pointed to an approx server that points
> to ftp.us.debian.org .
> It appears to be a python problem. I don't know python at all. I have,
> in the past, successfully followed instructions to submit debug
> information. but debug reportbug??? I need help.

I've had issues in the past with the GUI interface. You could try

    reportbug --configure

and select another interface.

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