Thanks, Sven. That was the problem. udev wasn't
restarted after the change of runlevel back.
I wanted to change the runlevel to single-user
because I wanted to remount my filesystems
on top of lvm read-only for a short time and
create lvm snapshots with consistent filesystems.
So I need to stop some daemons and processes
to be able to remount the filesystems read-only.
I'm going to stop only those services I need.

On 06/18/2011 11:33 PM, Sven Joachim wrote:
> On 2011-06-18 22:25 +0200, Lukas Baxa wrote:
>> I discovered a problem with Xorg recently. When I change
>> the runlevel to single-user mode (i.e. to 1) and then back
>> to multi-user mode (i.e. to 2) and start the X server
>> again, my keyboard doesn't work anymore under X. The same
>> happens if I boot directly into runlevel 1 and then change
>> it to 2.
> Don't do that.  One of the problems of the Debian boot system is that it
> starts too many services in runlevel S.  When you switch too runlevel 1,
> they get killed and will not be restarted in runlevel 2.  This includes
> udev, among others¹.
>> I suppose that the problem is that the evdev module (generic
>> input driver module) gets unloaded at the end for some reason.
> The X server relies on udev for detecting input devices, and if udev is
> not running this will not work.
>> Have anybody met similar problem before? Or can anybody give
>> me a clue how to solve this problem? I'm asking before
>> filing a new bug under the xserver-xorg-input-evdev package.
> Sadly, the most sensible thing after entering runlevel 1 is to reboot.
> Otherwise you have to restart udev, dhclient, wpasupplicant and what not
> by hand which is cumbersome and error-prone.
> Sven
> ¹

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