On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 12:19 PM, AG <computing.acco...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> On 20/06/11 16:45, Camaleón wrote:
>> On Mon, 20 Jun 2011 16:12:14 +0100, AG wrote:
>>> Taking prior advice on avoiding the apparently high degree of volatility
>>> in the current testing, at least as far as my experience has been so
>>> far,
>> The opposite applies for me. Testing has been very stable, despite its
>> name.
>> I've only reported two small bugs for two applications (quadrapassel and
>> gnibbles, a couple of gnome games) that seems to be solved for now and
>> currently I'm only seeing one glicth with gnome-keyring. But nothing more.
>> I'm running GNOME.
>>> I reinstalled to stable (squeeze), and now after having configured
>>> everything, so KMail starts to crash.
>>> I can open it just fine and it runs for a bit and then once it has been
>>> minised to the system tray it crashes.
>>> This is the debug report:
>> (...)
>> KDE SC (at least starting from 4.6) will be highly dependant on akonadi
>> and nepomuk so I would first ensure both services are properly configured
>> and running, just in case...
>> Greetings,
> Well, so far so good.  I deleted the two Akonadi folders and rebooted, and
> it has been a few hours now and no more crashes, so I'm taking this as a
> positive outcome.
Is it this "unreproducible" bug?:



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