also sprach Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <> 
[2011.06.26.1634 +0200]:
> > Search manpage for "partitions".
>  that's odd.  i read around each part (man mdadm^M /partitions^M),
>  paragraph back and forwards: no mention of the UUIDs of drive
>  components of an array was clearly evident.

I was not trying to suggest that there was a mention of the UUIDs.
mdadm's manpage only mentions /proc/partitions; it scans that "file"
and then looks for UUIDs on each of the listed partitions, building
a list indexed by UUID [0]. This is called "scanning".

And now it has the list of devices (partitions) that constitute
individual arrays identified by UUID…

0. not sure this is the actual implementation…

> > Please suggest patches if you find the information insufficient.
>  ok.  feeling slightly overwhelmed by the task, my lack of
>  knowledge on the detailed workings of mdadm somewhat getting in
>  the way, but i'll do my best.

I'll try my best to provide feedback.


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
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