On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 01:26:39PM -0500, John W Foster wrote:
> 1. Why is Debian switching to LibreOffice, per the posting I saw a few
> days ago?
> 2. Is OpenOffice still going to be supported?
> 3. What makes LibreOffice better than OpenOffice?
> These questions are not intended to start a flame war! I have never even
> looked at LibreOffice, as I did not need to. Now I'm concerned that a
> large body of work covering several years will have to be 'ported' to a
> new format & that I will have to learn a lot of new stuff.
> Any rational comments are appreciated.

If you have never looked at LibreOffice, what makes you think that your
OOo files won't work as is? If you would bother to look instead of drawing
an uninformed conclusion, you would find that the formats are identical.
That's why it's called "open format".

Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
check the price of the beer.
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