On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 12:29 AM, <kei...@strucktower.com> wrote:

> Quick question (I think...):
> Can you recommend a free and easily available software package that will
> allow a Windows user to see my Linux desktop?
> My brother is in another state, and I want him to be able to see my
> desktop, not necessarily control it. He only uses Windows, my system is
> Debian using i3wm.
> Would skype do the trick? I have no experience with it. I have a pretty
> low bandwidth connection...
> We don't need video, or audio for that matter, since we could do this
> while on the phone, if that makes it work faster.
> I'm sure he doesn't want to have to load anything too complicated or
> intrusive on his Windows machine...
> Thanks,
> Keith Ostertag
Have you tried teamviewer ?

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