On Du, 26 feb 12, 20:54:31, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> I have two different Debian systems on my EEEPC -- stable and testing.
> Whenever testing installs a new kernel as a result of the routing update, 
> my grub/menu.list file gets rewritten.  WHen it does this, it matches the 
> kernels I have in one Debian sysstem with the fie-system root I have in 
> the other.  I have to hand-edit menu.list to make things right again, 
> using static boot stanzas in front of the AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST.
> (a) Is there any way I can stop this misbehaviour? 
> (b) If I were to progress to grub2, where I gather I can't take control 
> of the boot process by editing menu.lst, is there some other way of 
> making sure things go right?  I fear that one of these years, upgrading 
> to grub2 will become inevitable.

Assuming the two installs are *not* sharing /boot[1] this should work 
with grub-pc + os-prober out of the box, *but* I recommend letting only 
one install deal with the MBR (stable would be the obvious choice, 
unless you need features from testing grub-pc).

[1] it's still not obvious from your replies to Bob

For maximum flexibility you can also let each system install its own 
grub in the partition and have one "master" grub in the MBR with a 
static grub.conf to select between the systems. I have such a setup 
(with a shared /home) and I could be convinced to detail it somewhere on 
the web.

Hope this helps,
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