From:           "Gary Roach" <>
Date:           Mon, March 19, 2012 11:23 am
> Nowhere does it say that you may have to
> reboot your systems after installation of vsftpd.

Unfortunately none of us caught that.
If the configuration of a daemon running under inetd is alterred,
"/etc/init.d/inetd restart" should be sufficient.  Correction from
expert is welcome.

> When I found that a
> script for vsftpd had been installed in the rc*.d files I decided to see
> what would happen if I rebooted the system. This fixed the problems on
> every one of the machines. All are running in inet,d mode - I don't care
> what the documentation says about my setup being standalone.

I had similar thoughts when first trying get vsftp airborn.

> I think
> that there needs to be some documentation changes but I am not sure
> what. A rewrite of the vsftpd.conf files explanations would be a big help.

I already have too many projects to tackle this.  Being that you have just
slogged through it, you are qualified to work on a wiki page or submit a
bug report.

> I thank you all for your help and patience.

Our help hasn't been efficient but welcome,  Peter E.

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