Thanks Camaleón and Johan for your suggestions.

For reference, here's what happened:

Camaleón: i did try the update-alternatives path, including the
--display option to check.  It reports wmaker, but has no
effect otherwise that i can tell.

The idea of choosing a window manager a login time is
intriguing, but for my system (6.0.4 "squeeze") there
doesn't seem to be an option to do this.

Johan: I tried the gui method you suggested for changing
the wm (and i believe your path was correct).  This time there
was an effect, but not much and sort of the wrong one :(
What happened was that the screen drawing shifted upwards,
as if it were no longer taking into account the menu bar along
the top of the entire screen.   So a few things had their top
parts hidden by this shift, but none of the wmaker stuff seemed
to be present.

But it is very valuable nevertheless --- i imagine that i have to
disable the entire gnome apparatus somehow (but don't know
whether wmaker is savvy enough to manage under those

Thanks in advance for any other advice anybody may have.

(Is anybody actually using WindowMaker on this list?  Maybe
my problem is i'm posting to the wrong list?  :)  But thanks
everybody for your help because you certainly are very helpful!)


On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 9:18 AM, Camaleón <> wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:36:09 -0700, Dan Hitt wrote:
>> I'm running debian 6.0.4 (squeeze).
>> I'm attempting to change my window manager from the default metacity to
>> wmaker (WindowMaker).
>> I attempted the change by
>>    sudo update-alternatives --display x-window-manager
>> and then choosing the wmaker alternative.
> (...)
> Mmm, juts a quick note. You can try with:
> update-alternatives --config x-window-manager
> Which will ask you about the preferred option. Then you can check the
> current setting with "--display".
> You can also consider in selecting WM from the available window managers
> dropdown menu at the login screen.
> Greetings,
> --
> Camaleón
> --
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