Hello Hans-J.,

"Hans-J. Ullrich" <hans.ullr...@loop.de> wrote:
> On my new drive I chose ext4 (with luks encryption) for as far as I read, 
> most 
> people are using ext4 instead of ext3 on ssd drives.
> Is this really recommended? 

ext4 provides shorter recovery/file system check times, which I
really like. Apart from that, I don’t think there are many
differences between the two visible to the normal user.

> And if yes, should I change the filesystem from ext3 to ext4 on my old spin 
> drive? I think, this can be done with tune2fs (when I remember correctly), 
> without any loss of data. If I am wrong, please point me to the correct tool.

I think so, too, but have never tried that.
> Most important thing for me is speed and security, and, of course, lifetime 
> of 
> the ssd is also important. I added noatime and discard to /etc/fstab, hope 
> this is correct.

If you have a reasonably modern SSD, lifetime normally should not be
a problem. Of course, noatime helps nevertheless (if only by speeding
up things and giving you fewer reasons to throw the laptop around
impatiently :)).
> Just a last question: During installation, I forgot, how I formatted the "/" 
> partition (ext3 or ext4?). Is there a way, to find out, how it is formatted? 
> Strangely, the option "discard" in /etc/fstab seem not to work on this 
> particular partition.

The output of ‘mount’ should contain the file system, for example:

/dev/sda1 on /boot type ext3 
/dev/mapper/ares0-root on / type ext4 

Best regards,

<woot> Put *that* in you .sig and smoke it, Knghtbrd.
<Culus> You know he will read this :>
<woot> heheheheh.
http://chubig.net                          telnet nightfall.org 4242

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