
I am receiving some emails, which show "face" above the message where
there are usually "From", "Subject" and "To". This "face" is always big
mess of letters and I am wondering what is it and can I hide it somehow.

It seems to appear in emails from Claws Mail users.

[Mika Suomalainen](https://mkaysi.github.com/) ||
[gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys
4DB53CFE82A46728](http://mkaysi.github.com/PGP/key.txt) ||
[Why do I sign my
emails?](http://mkaysi.github.com/PGP/WhyDoISignEmails.html) ||
[Please don't send
HTML.](http://mkaysi.github.com/articles/complaining/HTML.html) ||
[This signature](https://gist.github.com/2643070#file_icedove.md) ||

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