On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 11:39:13PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Oct 2003, Bill Moseley wrote:
> > Actually, there's two parts.  First we need a machine to collect
> > data from an inexpensive weather station and then copy (ftp/scp) the
> > data to some location every so often.
> >
> > Any suggestions for weather stations (a piece of equipment, not an
> > online "station") that a linux box can talk to?  I assume a serial port
> > is the interface of choice here.
> >
> > The second part is for a web site to fetch the data and convert it into
> > some type of display suitable for a web page.  It would be nice to have
> > something graphic (even if it is static data -- could use some animated
> > image to give the effect of the wind speed fluctuating, I suppose ;)
> >
> > Any ideas?
> I recall from pop electronics or maybe the back of Linux (world,format...)
> some ruggedized simple data logging devices (temp, Hg, vibration) with
> serial intefaces that run on batteries?
> I just did a google: Bingo!
> www.picotech.com

Do they support Linux now? Their ads look like they're still M$-only.
They use a parallel port interface, so it might be rather awkward to
figure out how to drive them. A dead-tree advert I have suggests
http://www.ObservantWorld.com , who make a thing called a "Data
Station" that gives you a bunch of analogue and digital inputs and
outputs and is controlled via RS232. Or you could program a PIC
microcontroller to do the job.

These might be useful (if they still work - they're from a
3-years-dead tree):

http://www.siteplayer.com (also given as http://www.SitePlayer.com )

The last two are from an article by Eddy Insam in the October 2001
issue of Electronics World describing how he built a remarkably simple
gadget enabling him to log onto his basement and read the temperature
and switch lights and heaters on and off.

The "SitePlayer" thing is a matchbox-sized module comprising a NIC chip
and a microcontroller which runs a web server enabling you to read and
write its I/O ports via a web page. It did unfortunately seem to be
the case that you needed a Windoze application to download the HTML
code to the SitePlayer module, but OTOH it uses an Ethernet interface
so it should be fairly straightforward to use a packet sniffer to see
what's going on.


Be kind to pigeons
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