On Mi, 22 aug 12, 15:16:01, Bob Proulx wrote:
> For me it means that I need to verify that I got the message by the
> mailing list too (which always comes later so I usually ignore it for
> a while first) and that it wasn't a reply only to me.  So I can't just
> ignore them.  I have to spend effort to determine what is going on
> with the message and where it came from and how it got to me.  What a
> pain!  And usually from people asking for help.  My editorial remark
> is that if people want help then the easiest thing is to make it easy
> to be helped and they will get more of it and of a higher quality too.

> I have come to the conclusion that humans are intrinsically bad at
> communication.  Apparently it isn't common sense.  Apparently it does
> actually require the person to put some effort into learning how to
> interact with others.  I wonder if we will ever master it?  Na.
> Probably not.  File it as a wishlist bug and tag it as "wontfix". :-)

+1 again :)

Kind regards,
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