Joao Roscoe wrote:
> > Using it with NIS/YP is not so common so I think it
> > not unlikely that there is a bug related to it there.
> ...
> > Try this experiment.  At the last point in the /etc/init.d/nis startup
> > script add a short sleep.  That will give the daemons time to finish
> > and get ready to go.  It is possible that they are not yet quite ready
> > yet and so immediately after the end of the script the next one to run
> > hits them too early.
> Bingo!!!!  Haven't done exactly that, but your suggestion helped me to
> understand NIS init script a bit better. So, I just increased the already
> existent "wait for bind to succeed" loop maximum count, from 10 seconds to
> 20 seconds, and that did the trick. Even the slowest or our machines boot
> properly now. The change was as shown below:

Sorry but I came late to this discussion.  If you are still open to
experimenting then I have another one for you.  In the
/etc/network/interfaces file do you have the interface listed?  Or is
it left to NetworkManager?  If it is listed is it listed as
"allow-hotplug eth0"?  Try this.  Change that to "auto eth0" instead.
that will change the startup from being event driven to being
synchronous at boot time.

On my Squeeze nis/yp systems I had to change to "auto" in order for
the system to boot and bind successfully.


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