I've never used the net install image I use live image but it should be
similar.  Get to a command line and then use sudo to mount the Debian
partition somewhere.  Once it's mounted you can run chroot {path to where
 you mounted} /bin/bash --login.  This will make it so the commands you run
are run from the install on your HD.  From there you can run the
update-grub for it to update the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file.


On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Gary Roach <>wrote:

> On 01/28/2013 02:57 PM, sp113438 wrote:
>> On Mon, 28 Jan 2013 12:15:07 -0800
>> Gary Roach<gary719_list1@verizon.**net <>>
>>  wrote:
>>  Hi all;
>>> I have a Toshiba Qosmio laptop that has 2 60 GB drives. I formatted
>>> one with the Windows XP that is needed to run all of the bells and
>>> whistles that the Qosmio provides. I installed Debian Squeeze on the
>>> other drive and used Grub as the boot loader. This setup worked fine.
>>> I recently upgraded to Debian Wheezy using the latest iso net install
>>> disk. Since then the system boots to the Grub operating system
>>> selection screen. If I select Debian, the computer starts, loads
>>> grub, shuts down and restarts over and over again. I managed to get
>>> back into the Windows XP side by completely reloading the XP OS from
>>> the factory disks. As long as I select the XP system things work
>>> fine. As soon as I try the Debian system the looping starts again. I
>>> tried to reload the Debian side from the iso disk but the end results
>>> are the same. Any suggestions will be sincerely appreciated.
>>> Gary R.
>>>  Did you run update-grub?
>>  How do I run update-grub when I can't access Linux
> Gary R.
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Rasmussen Equipment

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