Dne, 10. 06. 2013 04:27:35 je Rick Thomas napisal(a):

I've got xfce window manager installed on pretty-much as it comes fresh-out-of-the-box Wheezy.

I'd like to have <ctrl>-<alt>-<del> restart the window manager.

I've configured it to do so with "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration", but (even after a reboot) that doesn't seem to do the job.

Anybody know what I'm missing?



What you're missing is a text file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d which is needed to make the <ctrl>-<alt>-<bkspc> combo work since in recent Xservers the 'DontZap' option has been deprecated. The file which IIRC may be named anyway you want (mine is named 50-synaptics.conf since it also contains some configurations for my touchpad) should contain the following lines:

# Let's compensate for the deprecated Xserver "DontZap" option
Section "InputClass"
        Identifier      "Keyboard"
Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp,"

# Alternatively, if/when this gets deprecated in turn, the following command issued at DesktopEnvironment autostart should work:
# setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp

After creating the said file, you might need to restart the X server or reboot.

Good luck!

Caveat lector: this works in LXDE, I don't know about xfce since I'm not using it.


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