On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:

> Greg has made some excellent explanation and answers.  I wanted to
> comment on a few other things.
> Ross Boylan wrote:
> ....
> > Arun made a suggestion that
> > > Your 'physical' device eth0/eth2 or whatever needs to be added to the
> > bridge.
> > I believe that is done by the /etc/kvm/kvm-ifup script that is executed
> > when I launch the virtual machine.
> I think that file must have been removed at some point.  I have
> the qemu-kvm package (which owns that file) installed but do not have
> that file on my system.  The qemu-kvm.postinst script in the current
> package removes the conffile.  So just a note that the file doesn't
> exist in recent versions.
I just installed qemu-kvm (1.1.2) on a brand new wheezy system.  Are you
saying wheezy doesn't have it, or that it was removed later?

After I get the networking fixed I will likely backport a more recent
version, since I'm having other "issues" as well.


> > One thing I struggled with was that qemu-kvm, via the /etc/kvm/kvm-ifup
> > script I mentioned above, does some stuff automatically.  Help that is
> > written without that in mind tends to include instructions that either
> > duplicate or, perhaps, are at cross-purposes with it.
> And since that file was removed I assume it was problematic for others
> as well.
> Bob

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