Andrei POPESCU wrote:
>Sven Hartge wrote:

>> All other were mostly misconfigrations which kinda worked before,
>> because sysvinit was more forgiving or just papered over the error, for
>> example unavailable volumes during boot without "nofail" or "_netdev".
> It's also very unforgiving of wrong fstab entries (see #756103).

  yes, i got bit by that one last week.

  i also put in a wishlist item for a better
method of handling failed items rather than
clobbering the terminals of the rescue mode.

  as the common suggestion is to open an
alternate terminal i suggested to open
that up immediately and then at least you
have a way of interacting before considering
something a fatal error.

  one comment i've seen in a few bugs is that
how are the systemd developers supposed to
know when something not coming up is really
fatal or not.  i think asking the user is
one way to avoid a lot of unneeded failures.

  in my case if i'd gotten an alternate 
terminal asking me if having a cd player
unavailable was fatal the answer would have 
easily been no, and then i could have known
right away what the issue was related to, had
a bootable system and not had to jump through
a lot of hoops to figure out what was going
on (turning off quiet boot, turning on persistent
journaling, installing a bootable wheezy, 


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