My wife and I also have this problem on our respective laptops. So it is definitely a bug.

On 10/09/15 09:26, David Henderson wrote:
Muntasim Ul Haque <tranjeeshan <at>> writes:

I have had problems with Debian 8 'jessie' Xfce edition. I didn't get
any sound initially. Then after 'some' configuration, I got sound
working. But sound related problems were still there. When I plug-in the
headphone I got no sound. Then I have to re-adjust using 'pavucontrol'
and 'alsamixer'. And the main problem was with Youtube videos. I thought
that was because I don't have Flash player installed and I don't want
to. But then I tried Debian jessie GNOME and everything was working
fine. Even the Youtube video's sound. So what's the deal with Xfce? Why
there was no sound on YouTube? And why I had to configure every time I
switch from and to headphone and speaker?

With thanks,
Muntasim Ul Haque

I had the same problem. I found a solution here:

run the following command to turn mute on:

pactl set-sink-mute 0 1

run the following command to turn mute off:

pactl set-sink-mute 0 0

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