On Monday 04 January 2016 17:06:44 Curt wrote:
> On 2016-01-03, John Hasler <jhas...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> > BTW there is a Firefox plugin that will make Youtube use HTML5 instead
> > of Flash.
> I use the latest version of Firefox; Youtube defaults to HTML5 for the
> most part, but I get no sound.
> I've gleaned, perhaps incorrectly, that it may have to do with the fact
> that my HDMI "watchamacallit" is card 0 and my ALC662 "chip" (that I use
> for sound) is card 1.
> I created an .asoundrc workaround file in my home directory many moons
> ago to get sound because of the above arrangement.
> Well, anyway, I've hijacked the thread and will be shot at dawn.

And you didn't even say "was".  Shooting is too good. ;-)


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