On Sunday 10 January 2016 00:24:29 Gene Heskett wrote:
> I can see all that in synaptic to prove its there, and mc agree's, but
> its in html and iceweasel has lost the ability to open a file on a local
> filesystem.  No clue why as there sure should not be an ssl problem on a
> local direct access disk.
> So unless I see an iceweasel update in the next day or 2, I will be
> actively searching for a browser that Just Works(TM).

You are using TDE.  Why on earth aren't you using Konqueror for this sort of 
thing??  Easiest route:


type in resultant window:
or whatever you call your home directory, or route to wherever the file you 
want is

navigate to file you want and open it.


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