On 05/02/16 13:58, Darac Marjal wrote:
On Thu, Feb 04, 2016 at 05:28:54PM +0000, Tony van der Hoff wrote:

Running Postfix under Jessie. At some time in the past I managed to
increase the logging verbosity to track down a problem, which I've

I now have a vast amount of data in mail.log, which is obscuring
useful messages. I thought it was simply a matter of adding or
removing "-v" to the service configuration stanzas in
/etc/postfix/master.cf, but on reviewing that file, I see no instances
of -v, e.g,
smtp      inet    n    -    n    -    -    smtpd

The logged data even includes users passwords in clear, as well as
20-odd lines for each email received (sample attached).

Can anyone please suggest any other places to look to reset the
default log level

This doesn't look like verbose logging to me. I think the problem is
just that you have a complex chain of processes for the message to pass
through. bendel.d.o connects to you, the message is passed by the
greylisting daemon postgrey and is accepted by your system. The message
is then forwarded to amavis. At that point postfix is finished with that
message. Amavis now checks the message and pronounces it clean. Amavis
now connects back to postfix and passes the approved message back in.
Postfix delivers the message to the SECOND delivery agent (virtual),
which delivers it to your maildir.

If you like, you could look at making amavis into what postfix calls a
"Before Queue Filter" (and which everyone else calls a milter). There is
an amavisd-milter package which will help with that. Basically, instead
of accepting the message and THEN checking it for viruses, the message
is passed through amavis DURING the smtp session. Postfix will only
accept the message if amavis approves it, otherwise the remote host will
be told that the message is rejected. This is a nicer solution all
around, but it does mean that SMTP sessions will take longer. That is,
you might not be able to accept as much mail as you would be able to
using amavisd's batch mode.

Thanks for he advice; I'll look into it.

Tony van der Hoff        | mailto:t...@vanderhoff.org
Buckinghamshire, England |

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