>>>>> "BB" == Bob Bernstein <poo...@ruptured-duck.com> writes:

BB> ... if I launch 'emacs -nw' to avoid running in X that understanding
BB> (Meta == Alt) evaporates.

That is an issue with your terminal emulator.

What do you see if you, in an emacs -nw session, press: C-q M-x

Xterm's default settings can be a problem for M- keystrokes.

Some other terminals may also have issues.

Also, do M- keys work correctly at the bash prompt?  (Or whichever shell
you use)

A quick test shows that my urxvt translates M-x into C-[ x (aka ESC x),
which allows emacs to handle it.

James Cloos <cl...@jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 0x997A9F17ED7DAEA6

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