On 03/17/2016 01:25 PM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
Dear Folks,

I had a problem with a power supply that kept cutting out after about
40 minutes or so.

I was running debian stretch reasonably OK from a PNY optima ssd on
an FX 8350 cpu running on a sabertooth fx 990 2.0 board with a engt
430 graphics card.

The original psu was a Zalman zm 1250 which I replaced with a smaller
psu that runs OK.

The SSD is no longer recognised by the bios.

There is some voodoo on the web about using power cycles and firmware
to resurrect the ssd drives.

Does this work in practice or should I get a replacement ssd?

On 03/17/2016 01:59 PM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
The incantation is here:


and there are discussions like this one as well:

I will try this a bit and if it doesn't work then I will accept that
all my cheap and nasty pen drives work fine and are bootable but the
fancy new SSD is dead.......

I will stick with hard drives.

The problem could be the port, the cable, and/or the SSD. You need another set of known good components to isolate the problem. Hopefully, you don't have a failure mode that smokes whatever the component is connected to...

Is your SSD under warranty? If so, I'd suggest contacting PNY technical support. If not, try whatever voodoo you want.

I had a PNY video card years ago with a "Lifetime Warranty". When it died (~2 years?), I contacted PNY and expected them to replace the card. They replied that their definition of "Lifetime" was the time that the product was in production. As that card was out of production, there was no warranty. I have never bought or recommended PNY since.

I've owned and run a few Intel 520 Series SSD's for the past several years. The SMART parameters indicate the drives are old, but the Intel SSD toolbox says the drives have virtually no wear. I've never had a problem with them.

I've recently put some Samsung SSD's into service. We'll see how they hold up.


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