On Thursday 14 April 2016 17:57:19 EGO-II.1 wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been trying for about a week now to get Debian with the MATE
> desktop installed on my PC. 

Is this another Skylake problem?  It *is* after all a Skylake!

I had failures at various stages until I got help:

If it _is_ a Skylake problem, then 8.x is not enough information.  You need at 
least 8.3 (I managed on that), but preferably 8.4.  If you can somehow manage 
to get as far as booting (by hook or by crook) then the first thing you need 
to do is install a backported kernel.


Or you could use Stretch!!  Cutting edge and Linux are sometimes a problematic 


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