On Sunday 17 April 2016 11:48:16 Mark Fletcher wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 3:19 PM Michael Milliman <
> michael.e.milli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've never really
> > liked systemd, though I must admit it does work and do the job -- I just
> > like the simplicity of the init system better.  Admittedly, I may well
> > be undereducated on systemd resulting in my prejudice.
> Speaking of prejudice -- question to the list in general -- why the vitriol
> in the linux community about systemd? I read the "I'm changing distros
> because I don't like systemd" type blog posts, and the "Debian devs are
> evil for forcing systemd on us" and so on -- and then I tried it. I've even
> built a LFS system using it. I really, really can't see what the fuss is
> about. Yes, it's complicated, but then init was quite capable of confusing
> the living daylights out of me as well...
> It seems the emotions, even now, are running too high to be simply about
> "if it ain't broke don't fix it". What am I missing?
> Mark

All the pros and cons of system.d have been discussed and ranted about here 
and can be easily found in the archives. I personally don't think that it is 
necessary to go through those discussions again.

Easily one can slip some emotional comment [sigh!] (sic) into a posting but it 
is unnecessary to jump on it - no?

All the best to y'all

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