On Mon, May 09, 2016 at 02:36:30AM -0400, Ralph Sanchez wrote:
> Last night, i was continuing my tightening of security according to the
> debain sites manual, and had pretty much finished with the securing
> networks part...today, i start up my laptop and no wifi?? In the taskbar,

mission accomplished. No network is a reasonable security startegy ;)

> the wifi symbol has a question mark, hovering over it says
> disconnected...but it is up in ifconfig, althougb next to up it says
> Broadcast multicast (all caps) and it also says Link encap: ethernet, which
> i dont think it did before. Help lol

encap: ethernet is OK.

It looks more like you couldn't get an ip address.

Can you post the output of iwconfig wlan0?

What did you do to "secure" your network?


Henning Follmann           | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

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