Am Samstag, 14. Mai 2016, 05:27:06 schrieb Bhasker C V:

try wicd (vicd-ncurses, wicd-gtk, wicd-cli). It may fit your needs. And you can 
have entries in /etc/network/interfaces, so you can be already connected 
without any window-manager.

Good luck!

> Hi
>   I am finding it difficult to settle on a good network manager which
> can work for my case
> 1. My home dir is luks/ext4 and mounted manually after logging in for
> the first time
> 2. My GUI is started after mounting my home dir and by manual startx only
> I could never get my network manager to store passwords in the user dir.
> I do not like the passwords stored in
> /etc/NeworkManager/sytem-connections with plain passwords visible so
> anybody can open them if they have physical access to the machine/disk
> (usb live stick etc., )
> If I pull up the properties of nm-applet and change the option to
> "Store password only for this user", nm-applet does not connect since
> the keyring is no automatically unlocked due to startx
> Can anyone help me with fixing this network-manager so the passwords are
> stored per-user in my luks home rather than /etc/...  OR tell me how to
> enable nm-applet to automatically trigger opening gnome-keyring ?

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