On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 09:00:10AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> What GLX implementation are you using? If you still have e.g. the NVIDIA
> GLX alternative selected, it wouldn't surprise me if you got results
> like this.
> To figure this out, look at the glx-alternative-* packages, and at the
> output of 'update-alternatives --list glx'.
> I use the Radeon drivers myself (open, not FGLRX), and I have
> glx-alternative-mesa active (under the alternative name
> 'mesa-diverted').
Running that command gave me this output:
> I _think_ this should be handled automatically by the relevant driver
> packages nowadays, but I can't swear to that, and if it's not then it
> might be your problem.
Does it have anything to do with my previous GPU which was GForce? 

Mostafa Shahverdy <http://www.mostafa.info/pgp>

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