On 2016-06-10, Sven Joachim <svenj...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> How would that work having both packages on my system at the same time;
>> I mean, for example, if I typed 'firefox' in a terminal which flavor
>> would I be likely to launch?
> The non-esr version if it is present on your system.

I'm using release, so yes, it's present.

>> Is there no clean way simply to keep iceweasel permanently 'kept back'
>> without resorting to uninstalling it, as I really have no need for both
>> the esr and release versions?
> You already have them, since iceweasel _is_ the esr version of firefox,
> except that it has a different name and icon.  As I said, to avoid
> having both versions installed you need to create your own iceweasel
> metapackage.  That's probably not really worth the effort, considering
> how little 100 Megabytes of disk space cost these days.

Gotcha. Thanks.

> Cheers,
>        Sven

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