On Sun, 19 Jun 2016, Jeffrey Mark Siskind wrote:
>  2. I do a fresh install of wheezy from a USB dongle. It boots wheezy just 
> fine.
>     I do nothing but
>       nano /etc/apt/sources.list
>       (change all instances of wheezy to jessie, save, and exit)
>       apt-get update
>       apt-get dist-upgrade
>       (It upgrades without error. I answer the default to all questions.)
>       /sbin/reboot
>     Then it fails to reboot and goes into the initramfs. I have a picture of
>     the screen if anybody wishes.

It would be useful to see that screen (or better, the console output
as text directly from the DRAC in an e-mail.)

I'm guessing this is a "cannot find root filesystem" issue; it's also
possible that you're missing the appropriate driver for however the
disks are attached to that R815.

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

Life would be way easier
if I were easier.
 -- a softer world #473

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