On Mon, 20 Jun 2016, Michael Milliman wrote:
> I just replied to an email here on the debian-user list.  I have checked the
> debian-user list archive on debian.org, and the email was indeed received
> and posted to the list.  Nevertheless, I also received a bounce notice which
> was somewhat disturbing.  It reported the email bounced from
> bac...@ninjalabs.com.  This bounce notice was in HTML format and was mostly
> an advert.  I am not an expert, or even very knowledgeable, about reading
> email headers, however it appears that the bounce was in response to the
> forward of my original message after having been received by the
> lists.debian.org server.

This happens when people have their mail system misconfigured to send
bounces to the header From: instead of the envelope FROM. If you receive
them in the future, please forward them to listmas...@lists.debian.org
with a brief explanation of which list you sent the mail to and when,
and we'll unsubscribe (or try to unsubscribe) the offending address.

[Debian mailing lists have bounce handlers which automatically deal with
bounces which correctly go to the envelope FROM, but unfortunately there
are an infinite number of ways to misconfigure e-mail servers.]

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym
-- xkcd http://xkcd.com/917/

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