On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 08:16:45AM -0700, Larry Dighera wrote:
> Have you even looked at the information here:
> <https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/raspbian-jessie-is-here/>?  After reading
> that announcement, how can you continue to insist that I am not running Debian
> Jessie?  

1) It's not on a Debian web site.  It's on someone else's web site.
   Imagine if I posted a link from www.microsoft.com that said
   "Debian is on the decline; switch to Windows 10".  Would you
   consider that an authoritative statement about Debian?

2) It says "The Raspbian operating system is based on Debian Linux,
   and the different versions of Debian are named after characters
   from the Toy Story films. Recent versions of Raspbian have
   been based on Debian Wheezy (the penguin who's lost his squeaker
   in Toy Story 2), but Raspbian has now been updated to the new
   stable version of Debian, which is called Jessie."

Note that it says "based on Debian".  It isn't Debian.  It's a derivative.

Attempting to use security packages from Debian on a derivative system
(which is *not* Debian) may not work properly.  To get the correct
security packages for your system, you need to talk to the Raspbian folks,
not the Debian folks.

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