On Tue, Oct 04, 2016 at 02:01:30AM -0400, Felix Miata wrote:
> Michael Milliman composed on 2016-10-04 00:06 (UTC-0500):
> >...who do I need to be in touch with and in what forum to participate
> >in the development process as outlined above?
> Debian is mainly about packaging, not "developing" software, so the best
> answer might depend on which DM/DE/desktop, CPU, chipset and gfxcard you
> run. Offer up motherboard model, lspci output, /var/log/Xorg.0.log, 'inxi
> -Fz' output, and your DE of choice, as a start.
> -- 

In other words, this mailing list actually isn't a horrendously bad 
place to start. Many denizens of this list are familiar with many parts 
of Debian, and some package maintainers make the occasional cameo 
appearance too.

Another thing that can help with the "Which package?" question is to 
install apt-file and periodicaly run apt-file update. Then, you can do:

apt-file search <path/to/file>

for any file on your system and it will tell you which package that file 
came from.

You can also do 

apt-file show <package>

to see what files will be put where if you install a given package. One 
slight disadvantage of that is that is is doing a simple regular 
expression match on the package name, so when one package name is a 
substring of another, and you search for the shorter of the two, both 
will be listed.

Still very useful tricks to know, I have often found.


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