I just purchased a used Lenovo T430 and did my interpretation of a minimal install of Debian 8.6.0 with a Mate DE.

During install was a warning message that two non-free drivers were "required". As I had none available I chose the option to continue without installing. It went on and I have an apparently fully functional system.

I have two questions:
1. Is there a log somewhere that would tell me what it thought was missing? The laptop may have a feature that I've never used but would like if I
   knew it existed.
2. The explicit raison detre of this laptop is to serve as a test bed for, for want of a better term, alternative configurations. All install will be done with a very custom preseed.cfg file. If I'm not interested in whatever functionality provided by this non-free software, is there a way to bypass
   that particular warning?

There is a separate issue with default font sizes that I've noticed before, but am now motivated to address. Default fonts are annoyingly small. I know how to adjust them on a per user per font basis in Mate's "Appearance Preferences" menu. As there will ever be exactly one human seeing this machine, where can change the default setting from "10" to "16" system wide [preferably by preseeding]? If it would also change the font size of the User login screen that would be much appreciated.

On a related note, when I set the display font size to readable the labels for desktop icons tend to overlap. Where can icon spacing be set?


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