Thomas Schmitt schreef op 31-12-2016 11:59:

Well, "info" is the pet of GNU and thus often better documentation for
GNU tools than their "man" pages.
The goal and viewpoint is nevertheless the same: Technical documentation
of programs, not tutorial.

I personally also cannot use "info". I have tried many times in the past. Always gave up pretty quickly. Just unusable to me.

I would need to study a tutorial on how to use info and I don't even want to.

The reason why many large man pages or info documents are so hard to
grasp is really in the difference of viewpoints. Too much background
knowledge and too exotic programmer's motivations, i assume.

Yes exactly. You are assumed to already know the program when you start reading the man page.

You are assumed to know everything the programmer knows. This is the "Linux is easy" fallacy that originates from people forgetting how long it took them to acquire some knowledge, and now they think it was easy all this time for them, but they had to become familiar with it at first as well.

For example, if you are new to LVM, and you are in some rescue mode that doesn't automatically activate your volume groups, doing "vgchange -ay" is not that intuitive. "man lvm" is also not helpful. You will first need to find the required command (vgchange) before you can get any help, but you don't know that you need that one because you don't feel you want to change the vg, you only want to activate it. This can quickly elude you for some time and especially if you are in a pinch and suffering already, you may not have the time and mental capacity for it. You are trying to rescue your system and cannot find the tool to do it with, but you don't have internet so you can't look it up and.....

Then some fool will later day: "Why don't you just do vgchange -ay?" And if you then say "Well that is not that easy to know" they will say "man vgchange" "easy".

Nevertheless i suffer like most other people when i have to study foreign
technical docs for the first time.
So it is not dumb user versus smart programmer but rather insider versus

Yes, exactly.

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