Dear People,
A question here, not a problem as such.
My (domestic dektop) runs under Debian 8.6 (Jessie)
and has a RealTek ethernet (i.e internet) wired interface.

On boot-up, the monitor briefly shows a message to the
effect     "... failed to load rtl_nic/rtl8168g-2.fw firmware".
Running "dmesg | tail" shows much the same in more detail.

Nevertheless, the wired ethernet connection to internet
seems to work fine. There is no wireless interface on the
Asus P8B75-MLE motherboard as far as I know.

The above suggests that other software takes over the
function of the missing Non-Free RealTek driver.

Thus my question:  What should I do?
a)  Leave things as they are ('If it ain't broke don't fix it')
or :
b) install the Debian non-free package "firmware-realtek (0.43)
Can someone with experience of this software please advise??
Thanks in advance.
M.A. Perry
Sent from my unwashed Linux box

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