Le 03/13/17 à 20:40, Greg Wooledge a écrit :
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 12:30:11PM -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:
>> The Linux mantra has always been "choice," plethoras of choices. So why
>> at install time, is there no choice for the init system?  You get what
>> the developers decide. Yes, you can install a new one -- I've done it
>> and it works -- but only after the install.  It'd be a lot easier, if
>> there were a choice to begin with just like whether you want a GUI and
>> which one.
> Because the number of people who want to run a new version of Debian with
> an ancient and deprecated init system is probably in the triple digits,
> worldwide.
> You are a member of a small minority.  It's not reasonable to expect
> that a whole bunch of time will be spent making install images with
> alternative init systems for such a small demand.  You have a solution
> which works just fine.

So why don't you use windows, if you despise minorities ?
Your email is both insulting and contemptful. If this is your only
argument, that's bad for the point you pretend to denfend.

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