On Sun 12 Mar 2017 at 17:57:19 (+0900), Mark Fletcher wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 02:09:22AM +0000, Shahryar Afifi wrote:
> > 
> > why o why...
> > why debian keeps getting fancier like other operating system.
> > debian is a linux machine, not some toy like apple.
> > we dont need gnome 3 taking too much ram, in fact we dont need any 
> > graphical runtime. 
> > they dont wanna support  the poor wheezy for what ??? and why ??
> > its the most stable OS ever.. thats why they called it old stable.
> > why cant i add libpam-fprindt 1:0.5 to my wheezy so i can run my 
> > fingerprint ??
> > why nautilus in jessie is so fancy ??
> > when i work on my wheezy, everything is just right even when they say "its 
> > init and PID runs one by one" so what.. its a computer and should look like 
> > and act like a computer.
> > i dont wanna give up my reliability to some fancy mancy..
> > :(
> >  
> > SH.A
> > 
> This is yet another of those threads where the OP never returns after 
> dropping their troll bomb... the only why oh why here is why oh why do 
> we collectively never learn not to feed the trolls...

The OP is the guy still trying to get a fingerprint reader
working. Three posts so far.

Perhaps, like me, they were perfectly happy with running wheezy
but, unlike me, they have a piece of new hardware that requires
a more modern kernel or whatever.


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