Catherine Gramze wrote:
>> On Mar 23, 2017, at 12:38 PM, Steve McIntyre <> wrote:
>> Sorry, what? There's no such animal as a netinst dvd... The netinst is
>> a minimal-ish (small) CD-sized image that just contains the installer
>> and the (very limited) base system. The DVDs we make are much more
>> complete.
>When you burn the netinst iso to a dvd, because you can't buy blank
>cds anymore in any local stores, you have a netinst dvd. I can't
>remember the last time I saw a cd in the wild.

Ah, thanks for explaining what you meant. I was a little confused. :-)

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
< liw> everything I know about UK hotels I learned from "Fawlty Towers"

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