Hi, Richard.

On 26/03/17 06:46, Richard Owlett wrote:

>> [snip]
>> Checking the purchase invoices, I bought the notebook on September 19,
>> 2013, and then changed the battery on November 2, 2015. So less than two
>> years ago I have this battery.
>> The notebook I use it practically every day and I leave it sleeping from
>> one day to the next so I do not have to open every application every
>> time. I'm not sure if that impacts so much on the battery life.

> If it was a long term degradation, possibly. With some battery
> technology/technologies(?) there is a "memory" effect. If there is a
> repeated "shallow discharge"/recharge cycle ( sleep overnight followed
> by running during day with charger plugged in) the effective battery
> capacity will decrease. IIRC that applies to only one technology but
> can't remember which.

I remember that when I bought this battery, I was advised to leave the
charger plugged in for a little more than an hour after the charging
level reaches 100%. And for the subsequent times, try to avoid having
the charger plugged in when the battery charge level reaches 100%. So I
was following that criteria. What do you think about that?

>> But in any case, in all this time, whenever the battery was charged, the
>> charge level was up to 100%. So just since yesterday I suddenly saw that
>> the load stayed at 38% and I started to experience this issue.

> That makes me think of a component failure. Likely the battery, but
> conceivably something in the laptop.

Perhaps the ultimate test is going to a business where they have
original Lenovo components, ask them for a new battery to test it at the
moment with the notebook and, if all goes well, then buy it.

Thanks for your reply.

Kind regards,

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