>Le 20/04/2017 à 15:41, Kent West a écrit :
>> I installed on a Dell (don't recall the model number now, but it's a recent
>> model), and I found that the firmware appears to be buggy, in that you can
>> specify a UEFI installation to boot, and it shows the setting you enter,
>> but it ignores that setting and boots only to the default installation,
>> which is something like "\boot\default\boot64.efi".
>/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi. It is the default EFI path, used on removable 
>media such as installation or live images and by Windows as a rescue 
>boot loader.
>I had the same issue on HP Elitebook 8460 or 8470 laptops.

It's unfortunately quite common. Far too many bad UEFI implementations
that aren't being validated against the spec properly. :-(

>> The only way I could get around it was to create a separate \default
>> directory (or whatever the default directory name was - I don't now
>> remember) and copy my debian64.efi (or whatever it was) file into that
>> directory, renamed as boot64.efi (or whatever the default name was that it
>> was looking for).
>Actually there is a simpler workaround : during the installation of the 
>GRUB boot loader, the Debian installer asks whether to install GRUB in 
>the "removable device path" or so. Just answer "yes" and it will install 
>a copy of GRUB's core image in the default EFI path.
>It does the same as "grub-install --force-extra-removable"

That, and it sets a debconf flag so that on future upgrades grub will
remember you need this and re-install there every time it installs in
the normal (correct) Debian path. This is important - if the 2 copies
of grub-efi on the system diverge too much then it can cause boot

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
Is there anybody out there?

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