On Mon 26 Jun 2017 at 13:06:29 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 03:04:30AM +1000, John Elliot V wrote:
> > Can I ask why you did the apt-get upgrade before the apt-get
> > dist-upgrade? Why not just go straight for apt-get dist-upgrade..?
> Probably because (s)he read the release notes:
> <https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/release-notes/ch-upgrading.en.html#minimal-upgrade>

The notes are clear but what is the point of following this procedure?

You do an upgrade, so an upgrade is done. No new packages. Fair enough.
You are none the wiser about what would happen if a dist-upgrade is done
next, so it is still a dive into the unknown.

Then you dist-upgrade. Why not leave out the previous step, unless there
are packages you wish to keep? Perhaps an illustrative example of when
the single-step process dist-upgrade fails would be helpful. The advice

 This has the effect of upgrading those packages which can be
 upgraded without requiring any other packages to be removed
 or installed

simply repeats what apt-get(8) says without its detailed explanation.

(I upgrade, reboot, dist-upgrade, But I am into cargo-cult).


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