On 26-06-17, Ralph Katz wrote:
> I think the workaround of using the mouse on pavucontrol or
> gkrellm-volume will have to do for sound control.  Thanks!

Well, not exactly solution, but as a work around, you can assign some
shortcuts to do your sound work in a same way volume keys would do. For
example, in case of the pulse audio you can use these:

pactl set-sink-volume 0 -- +5% to increase volume by 5%

pactl set-sink-volume 0 -- -5% to decrease volume by 5%

pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle to mute/unmute

In case of ALSA, should be something like:

amixer set Master 5%+ to increase

amixer set Master 5%- to decrease

amixer set Master toggle to mute/unmute

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