Long Wind composed on 2017-07-23 09:21 (UTC+0800):

> i use default fs, ext4,
> it is fresh install

There was a thread here, yesterday I think, explaining that a fresh EXT4
partition isn't completely formatted initially, and depends on the CPU finishing
the task in the background after mounting. I suppose that this process could be
slowing other things down until completed.

> i am in china, asia
> but this should not be problem
> i used to use http.us.debian.org
> it is quick during some part of day

I know little about Internet in China, but have heard that the government
manipulates the user experience in terms of what is available and the traffic.

> to install new distro, i have to find disk space
> back up files, it isnot easy to create a new partition

This is true, but also it is not easy when a new release frustrates.

> i am afraid during "apt-get update"
> it finds copy of Packages and Translations
> that have been downloaded before
> and it check and use it instead of download
> that is why update is quickl
 Right. This is caching. It can be very helpful in limiting waste of bandwidth.
An uncached package can be slower coming from longer away through a slower pipe,
and may additionally be slowed by censorship and/or malware inspection.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

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