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On 2017-07-23 07:43, songbird wrote:
> Ken Heard wrote:
>> Just finished installing Stretch, using a RAID1, LVM and
>> encryption for home (passkey) and swap (random key).  It is at
>> the moment a basic installation with X-server-Xorg, but no DE
>> yet.
> if you use the control-alt F1 - F? sequence do you get a login
> prompt?  (check F7 and F8 too)

I should have thought of that, but when I wrote my original post I was
tired and frustrated.  Thanks for the reminder.

This morning I did as you suggested.  Yes, ctrl-alt-F2 to F6 does open
a console where I can log in one of them as my user and in another as
root.  So far I seem to be able to execute all the commands I need to
or want to in both.

For example, in my user I was able to run startx, which prodices a
bluish hue screen with the Debian swirl. I can't go any further
because I do not have a desktop environment yet.  My next step is to
install one and see what happens.

Ctrl-alt-F7 and F8 open nothing, not surprising as F7 and above are
normally reserved for graphical user interfaces (GUI), which I have
not yet installed.

Ctrl-alt-F1 shows the blank screen which appears at the end of the
boot.  I think the problem is that what appears on opening tty2 to
tty5 should appear in tty1 but for some reason does not -- instead the
blank screen.
>> As part of the boot it accepts my /home password, but I do not
>> get the command line. I end up with a blue-grey screen. No input
>> from mouse or keyboard is accepted.  To close the computer I have
>> to use the power switch.
> oh, this doesn't sound good, but since you don't describe your
> keyboard or mouse type i'm not sure if you need to change something
> in the bios or what for them to show up.  check the bios if you
> have settings that might help.  use a different keyboard and/or
> mouse to check that something shows up.

Keyboard is fine; it has worked on another computer,  I have nothing
yet installed which uses the mouse.

> your X setup may need adjusting.  check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and
> X*.log.old  if you have no log files install rsyslog.

Probably not necessary, but I shall see after the DE is installed.

>> I can open it in recovery mode, and after I enter the root
>> password I can get the command line as root. But I don't know
>> what to do next to effect a rescue.  From the root command line I
>> can however close the computer properly with "shutdown -h now".
>> I did notice when the computer was booting normally -- not in
>> rescue mode -- the following lines loop many times until the
>> computer gives up:
>> Running /scripts/local-block Failed to connect to lvmetad Failed
>> to find logical volume SOL1/swap_crypt
>> According to several posts on line, this behaviour is a nuisance
>> but not fatal.  As some people suggested on line I tried to get
>> rid of this nuisance by changing in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
>> use_lvmetad=1 to =0, but to no effect.
>> If I have to I can live with the nuisance, but I cannot live
>> without the command line.
> i do know that at times some partitions are set up but may not be
> found due to various issues.  i make life simpler by using volume
> labels and adjusting /etc/fstab to use those instead of UUIDs.

Probably a good idea; I shall try it.

> the problem i had was that the reformat of the swap partition got
> rid of my label.  so now if i do anything that touches the swap
> partition i reset the label.

Regards, Ken

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