On 07/24/2017 10:22 PM, Felix Miata wrote:
> Georgi Naplatanov composed on 2017-07-24 18:02 (UTC+0300):
>> I'm using Debian 9 and KDE.
>> I downloaded FireFox Developer edition and Thunderbird (both from
>> mozilla.org website) and Thunderbird's scroll bars are about twice wider
>> than FireFox's ones. Can this behavior be configured on Debian or is it
>> an issue with Thunderbird.
> Those are GTK scrollbars, controlled initially by whatever theme(s) are
> installed and selected.
>> There is a screenshot.
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/wplie8ujosxe1du/firefox-thunderb-scrollbar.png?dl=0
> Firefox's are a too narrow sourge on users with limited hand-pointing device
> coordination and/or vision, which Plasma unfortunately copied from Gnome.
> Check about:buildconfig in TB. Maybe you got a version build with GTK2. FB is
> built with GTK3. GTK has ultimate control of scrollbar width, which for GTK3 
> you
> can fine tune through ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css.

Hi Felix,

thanks for your explanation. I checked and official Mozilla's
Thunderbird build uses GTK3. The file ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css didn't
exist in my home directory and I copied




and changed line #3133 from

min-width: 14px;


min-width: 7px;

This line is under

scrollbar button

selector and scrollbars are now tiny :)

Thank you very much.

Kind regards

> cf.
> http://twicetwo.com/blog/linux/gtk/theme/customization/2016/05/04/per-user-gtk-customization.html
> see also
> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/noiascrollbars/

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