On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 10:43:45AM -0600, Joshua Schaeffer wrote:
  I'm having trouble getting my DHCPv6 server to update DNS and I'm not
  sure what I'm missing. From what I can tell I have everything setup
  and have tried numerous changes to the config file without success.
  Here is my named.conf.local file. I've tried allowing updates with
  both the update-policy and allow-update commands as well as through a
  key and just by IP address, but as far as I can tell the DHCP server
  isn't even attempting to communicate with the DNS server:

      root@blldns01:~# cat /etc/bind/named.conf.local
      // Do any local configuration here

      // Consider adding the 1918 zones here, if they are not used in
      // organization
      include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";
      include "/etc/bind/Kddns-aaaa-rrs.+157+11111.private";
      include "/etc/bind/Kddns-ptr-rrs.+157+11111.private";

      key DHCP_UPDATER {
          algorithm HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT;
          secret "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==";

      zone "appendata.net" in {
          type master;
          notify yes;
          file "/var/lib/bind/db.appendata.net";
          allow-update { 2620:5:e000:201e::4:1; };
      #    allow-update { key DHCP_UPDATER; };
      #    update-policy {
      #        grant "ddns-aaaa-rrs" self * AAAA TXT DHCID;
      #    };

      zone "0.0.0.e." in {
          type master;
          notify yes;
          file "/var/lib/bind/db.2620.5.e000";
          allow-update { 2620:5:e000:201e::4:1; };
      #    allow-update { key DHCP_UPDATER; };
      #    update-policy {
      #        grant "ddns-ptr-rrs" self * PTR TXT DHCID;
      #    };

  In my dhcpd6.conf file I have my zones specified and have tried
  including the key file, declaring the key directly in the file, and
  simply not using the keys and just using IP based authentication.
  None of it has worked so far. I've also tried using primary and
  primary6 with the actual IP address in my zone declarations, but this
  hasn't made any difference:

      # The ddns-updates-style parameter controls whether or not the
  server will
      # attempt to do a DNS update when a lease is confirmed. We
  default to the
      # behavior of the version 2 packages ('none', since DHCP v2
      # have support for DDNS.)
      ddns-updates        on;
      ddns-update-style    interim;

You should consider moving towards "standard", but "interim"'s not a
problem for now.

      allow            client-updates;

I would recommend denying client-updates. This tells clients that they
can do the DNS update themselves. Given that you're trying TSIGs below,
that would mean deploying keys to all the clients etc etc. Better to
"deny client-updates" and centralise the work through the DHCP server.

      ddns-domainname        "appendata.net.";
      ddns-rev-domainname    "ip6.arpa.";
      do-forward-updates    on;

Some other options I have are "update-static-leases on" (Make sure DNS
is updated even for hosts with a static address) "update-optimization
on" (Actually, for debugging purposes, I had that off for a while. If
it's off the DNS will be updated every time. If it's on, then the DNS
won't be updated if the lease hasn't changed. If you're changing from
'interim' to 'standard' you definitely want this off to ensure the
records get changed).

      # Include keys used to securely communicate with the DNS server.
      include            "/etc/keys/Kddns-aaaa-rrs.+157+11111.private";
      include            "/etc/keys/Kddns-ptr-rrs.+157+11111.private";

      key DHCP_UPDATER {
          algorithm    HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT;
          secret        "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==";

      # Configuring zones for ddns-updates.
      zone appendata.net. {
          primary    ns1-int.appendata.net;
      #    primary6    2620:5:e000::a1;
      #    key    DHCP_UPDATER;            # AAAA DNS key for RR's.
      zone 0.0.0.e. {
          primary    ns1-int.appendata.net;
      #    primary6    2620:5:e000::a1;
      #    key    DHCP_UPDATER;            # PTR DNS key for RR's.

I'm assuming you've cut something out of your config here, but given the
config above, there's nothing that applies the DDNS settings to hosts.
The ddns-* settings should apply to everything in their current scope
and below (so, if you've put them in your subnet6 block, for example,
that should be fine).

  I've tried putting various options and declarations in different
  scopes, but none of it has worked. The DHCP server gives out an IP
  address just fine, but it doesn't look like it is even trying to
  update the AAAA and PTR records.

      Jul 25 10:22:56 blldhcp01 dhcpd[1489]: Solicit message from
  fe80::216:3eff:fe32:2d49 port 546, transaction ID 0x9D08B00
      Jul 25 10:22:56 blldhcp01 dhcpd[1489]: Picking pool address
      Jul 25 10:22:56 blldhcp01 dhcpd[1489]: Advertise NA: address
  2620:5:e000:201e:0:1:b41e:f2fe to client with duid
  00:01:00:01:21:0a:2b:43:00:16:3e:32:2d:49 iaid = 1043475785 valid for
  2419200 seconds
      Jul 25 10:22:56 blldhcp01 dhcpd[1489]: Sending Advertise to
  fe80::216:3eff:fe32:2d49 port 546
      Jul 25 10:22:57 blldhcp01 dhcpd[1489]: Request message from
  fe80::216:3eff:fe32:2d49 port 546, transaction ID 0x6C757900
      Jul 25 10:22:57 blldhcp01 dhcpd[1489]: Reply NA: address
  2620:5:e000:201e:0:1:b41e:f2fe to client with duid
  00:01:00:01:21:0a:2b:43:00:16:3e:32:2d:49 iaid = 1043475785 valid for
  2419200 seconds
      Jul 25 10:22:57 blldhcp01 dhcpd[1489]: Sending Reply to
  fe80::216:3eff:fe32:2d49 port 546

  And there is nothing in DNS's logs, even when set to DEBUG. Can
  anybody see what I'm missing. If I sniff the wire I can see that
  there isn't any communication between my DHCP and DNS servers, so I
  don't think its a firewall setting as its not even getting that far.

  Joshua Schaeffer

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